Register with MANTRA

The online MANTRA training platform is currently in development. If you wish, you can register your interest for when the training goes live.

The online MANTRA training platform will take you through the core components of MANTRA. It describes and illustrates the treatment in detail and includes interactive examples of core treatment components. There are video ‘top tips’ from experienced MANTRA therapists and video illustrations of different MANTRA techniques and exercises.

For more information on the training, please see our Online Training Platform page.

The online training will be available at no cost for UK National Health Service (NHS) therapists, and for therapists providing free healthcare elsewhere without funding for training. If this applies to you, please include employment details in the ‘profession’ box below and ensure you register with your NHS or equivalent email address.

For other therapists, the cost for the online training will be £250. When the training is ready, we will contact you with details of how to sign up and pay for access. Please provide contact details below so we can alert you when the training is live.

We also have open resources for clinicians and therapists to use.
You don’t need to register to use these.